Term 4 MMA CUBS to recommence tomorrow Monday 5th October 2020

4 Oct 2020 by Jim O'DONNELL

What a crazy messed up year this has been! So with things, the way they are it would appear as though we are heading in the right direction to the new “COVID norm” who knows what this really is going to look like. So a few things to note;
1 – If you are a parent and have not yet been added to the messenger chat group – ’Jim’s MMA cubs communication page" then send me a message on messenger and I’ll add you to this. This is the quickest and easiest way to get a message to me at the minute, as I get an instant notification. Besides ringing me directly. The number for those who have lost it is – 0427210593. (I may not always answer the call, but will endeavour to get back to you some way shape or form.)
2 – Here’s the latest directly from the DHHS website which affects us as a club….

Can I participate in community sport?

Yes. You can compete and train in non-contact community sport outside. People who are aged 18 and under can compete and train in both contact and non-contact sport outside.

A sport is non-contact if participants can maintain a distance of 1.5 metres while playing.

You can modify a contact sport to be non-contact for the purposes of training.

You can play sport with the number of people required to play, plus necessary coaches and umpires. Spectators are allowed if they are supervising children or if needed as support persons for persons with additional needs. You should keep at least 1.5 metres from others while supervising children.

You must clean and disinfect equipment between users. Where possible you should minimise the sharing of equipment.

Note that it mentions that “People who are aged 18 and under can compete and train in both contact and non-contact sport – outside.” – This is us!

So term 4 can go ahead, we can train outside on the grassed area near the gym. Daylight savings has commenced which gives us additional daylight to train outside. I would suggest that you lather up your child in sunscreen if the weather is warm, and bring mosquito spray as it’s that time of year whereby the mozzies are thirsty. Also anything else medically your child may require. (Ie I suffer from Hayfever, so I’ll need a can of harden up) Still, strict hygiene and COVID safe practices, sanitising your hands, cleaning of equipment post classes.

If the child is experiencing any flu-like symptoms don’t bring them to training. Also, I’m led to believe that gastro is floating around within the community. WE HAVE A 48HR DON’T ATTEND TRAINING POLICY AFTER YOUR LAST MOVEMENT either from the top end or bottom end. Please respect this if you or anyone else in the family is experiencing this. I’m happy for ALL members to return to training as long as we comply with the above procedures for everyone’s safety.
Classes will return as normal, Monday nights – senior belts, (blue belts and above ) Wednesday nights junior belts. Thursday nights grappling. I’ll work out what I’m going to do here, the kids will not be training on the grass for this. Parents will need to bring their own chairs if you chose to remain in a supervising capacity as per the DHHS rules/guidelines. Might be a case of drop and run for now to keep gatherings at a minima0, or sit out in the car and catch up on important newsletters such as this one.

Thanks for your ongoing support and understanding, we are all doing our best to make this happen for the kids.


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